1/2 hour— $40.00
1 hour —$75.00
For the most accurate, best connection or for multiple questions, this is your best option. After
payment has been made, I will email you with possible times that will be
suitable for both of us. Please have questions prepared.
Intuitive readings involve reading the energy around you and your situation, we also call upon your guides and ours so that we can deliver the message you need. Intuitive will give you much more specific information than a card reading. We try to incorporate Medium work into our readings but can do a reading specifically focused on this. It is
best to have questions in mind and photos or possessions of people you would like to know about. This is nothing like TV and the movies would have you believe, we do not enter a trance, we do not take spirits into us, and it is not a verbatim translation but more of a general interpretation of the message you need to hear.
Crystals are nature's medicine and have many healing properties. I ask that you send a picture of yourself or the person who needs energy work, I pick out the stones for you, charge them to your needs and send them to you to be worn or carried. Included will be an explanation of the stones and why they were picked for you.
Crystal Layout-
A crystal layout aligns your chakras and improves your overall health and mental state. When doing a crystal layout we place stones on and around your body to help you reach a balanced state. This is done on a massage table (fully clothed) and usually with a blanket and an eye pillow to help you relax. We will have you invite your angels or
spirit guides to help you. Since aligning the chakras opens your own abilities many people experience a spiritual journey, we will guide you and help you interpret your meanings directly from your guides yourself. You will leave this experience feeling peaceful, relaxed and re-charged.
If you would like a written reading regarding yourself, items, picture that can be uploaded, this is the reading for you. I will sit with the picture, meditate and listen to my guides input - please include the questions you would like answered and areas I need to look into.
Palm Readings
These are the map or blueprint of your life, It will tell you, life, love, children, career, health, personality type along with strengths & weaknesses. This does not change very often, therefore I would suggest only one a year. Please include a photocopy or scanned picture of your dominant hand. The more clear the picture - the more accurate the reading. You will receive an individual reading
and chart of your palm.
Palm Reading -
When I perform a palm reading for you, I examine the lines in your dominant hand. These lines tell us your personality, how you deal with life, stresses, relationships, children, and health issues or concerns. Contrary to popular belief, the palm cannot tell us when you will die or whom you will marry; it is not a fortune telling tool but rather a map of your life. Your dominant hand tell of the life you are living, your non-dominant hand tells us of your spiritual life and also the life you could have lived. Due to the fact that your palm changes slowly, it is not recommended you have a palm reading more than once a year. Either in person or through a copy of your hand we will always provide you with a chart explaining the lines and significance.
the cards are designed to pick up the energy around you and the questions that you would like to have answered. I use several different decks, none of which are considered "traditional", the choice is yours and is more a question of a preference or connection to the type/style or artwork. Your reading is done by me not a computer and will be confidential, accurate and enlightening. You will receive a
reading with a position chart, definition, outcomes and answers to specific questions.
Please choose from the following:
past/present/future OR love/life/happiness OR
any 2 combinations from above
Card Reading-
Card readings are designed to read the energy around you at the present time. They are useful in clarifying your current situation, assisting you with choices, helping you understand where you are in life, or a general tool for the present and near future. If you receive your card reading at our office we will have you choose a deck, shuffle the
cards and lay them for us. If you order a card reading we will do this for you. All card readings come with a detailed chart of which cards were drawn and the meaning. Cards can be read in several different layouts according to what you would like to know. Our most popular layouts are 6 card (past, present, future, love, life and happiness),
Traditional Celtic Cross (main issues, strengths, fears, influences and messages), and Wheel of the Year (a twelve month reading with main themes for each month, theme for the year and three main influences).
Elemental Tarot Readings
This reading consists of three phases, 6 card
reading, a element spread of 5 cards & 5 outcome cards, it is a more complete reading of
the different facets of your life for the next 3-6 months. This should not be done more that once every two weeks or when there have been dramatic changes.
This reading is a spread that gives you a card for every month, three focus cards and an indicator card that give you a year focus and direction