the cards are designed to pick up the energy around you and the questions that you would like to have answered. I use several different decks, none of which are considered "traditional", the choice is yours and is more a question of a preference or connection to the type/style or artwork. Your reading is done by me not a computer and will be confidential, accurate and enlightening. You will receive a
reading with a position chart, definition, outcomes and answers to specific questions.
Please choose from the following:
past/present/future OR love/life/happiness OR
any 2 combinations from above
Card Reading-
Card readings are designed to read the energy around you at the present time. They are useful in clarifying your current situation, assisting you with choices, helping you understand where you are in life, or a general tool for the present and near future. If you receive your card reading at our office we will have you choose a deck, shuffle the
cards and lay them for us. If you order a card reading we will do this for you. All card readings come with a detailed chart of which cards were drawn and the meaning. Cards can be read in several different layouts according to what you would like to know. Our most popular layouts are 6 card (past, present, future, love, life and happiness),
Traditional Celtic Cross (main issues, strengths, fears, influences and messages), and Wheel of the Year (a twelve month reading with main themes for each month, theme for the year and three main influences).